Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are you done when you hang pictures?

We are definitely getting "there", at least. We now have window treatments in two rooms and are really happy with them so far. They include the master bathroom


and the TV room


Another huge job completed is that all the low voltage outlets and fixtures have been installed. We now have music in almost every room on the main floor and are able to listen to up to 4 different sources at once. Right now, that includes an MP3 input, XM radio or stored music off my office desktop and digital music from our cable box. Here is a picture of the amp with controls the living room and deck.


Several rooms have wall speakers, like the living room and master bedroom because of the vaulted ceilings


The rest of the rooms have ceiling speakers


The speakers are also up in the TV room and everything is working great


Finally, I dug our some of our artwork yesterday and hung it. It definitely made the house feel more like our home.




Anonymous said...

The colors are beautiful.. SW I presume? The orangish color and the yellow? Thanks in advance.

JaymieLO said...

Thank you! They are all SW colors. The yellow is "Humble Gold" and the orange is "Baked Clay". We have a LOT of light in our room with the yellow, so a color I thought might be too brownish for my taste really does look nice and sunny.

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